All Divisions at Groundbreaking Event

Head-Royce School Impact Report 2022—23

A Message from the Head of School and Board Chair

Dear Head-Royce Community,

There is so much for us to be grateful for. 

As we reflect on the past year, there is one thing that we are most grateful for: You. Our community is our greatest strength—and the impact you have made with your investment(s) of time, talent, and treasure demonstrate resoundingly how much you care. The foundation of philanthropy at Head-Royce has enabled us to deliver unparalleled experiences to our students, break ground on the South Campus, and put Head-Royce in a position of financial strength. During the last school year, almost five million dollars were raised through the thoughtful donations from nearly 1,100 community members. What incredible generosity—thank you!

In your honor, we have renamed this annual report an Impact Report because of the profound difference your big-heartedness has on our students. You will notice that we have added a section to celebrate our volunteers—over 450 this year—who create so many opportunities for joy by sharing their time. From grade level coordinators to field trip drivers, from annual fund volunteers to board members, Head-Royce is the school that it is because of your many dedicated hours.

As we kick off the new year, we hope you know how important you are to us and how much of an impact you have on our school, our community, and our students.

With our deepest gratitude,

Rachel E. Skiffer Headshot
Rachel E. Skiffer Signature
Rachel E. Skiffer
Head of School
Peter Smith Headshot
Peter Smith Signature
Peter Smith '78
 Board Chair




Your Impact in Action


“As grandparents, I believe our primary concern is the wellbeing of our grandchildren—and it is for this reason that I'm immensely grateful that mine have the blessing of attending Head-Royce. It is such a happy, joyful place. At the 5th grade promotion, I loved that the teachers took the time to say something unique and positive about every student. It demonstrated that faculty appreciate the strengths and individual character of each student. I believe there is no better legacy than a great education and there is no better place for my grandchildren than Head-Royce School.”

— Mary Vann, Grandparent of Kiran ’28 and Kai ’31


“My time at Head-Royce fostered a lifelong awareness and love for community engagement. There was always such an unexpected satisfaction with every outing. The program now called “Rebuilding Together Oakland,” became my favorite because the transformation made in a single day presented a firsthand account of the impact of just one instance of volunteering. At a recent Head-Royce reunion, alumni were invited to roll up their sleeves alongside current students to support Rebuilding Together Oakland, and I found myself transported back to where it first began. Since then, I have participated during the CCE’s annual rebuilding together project weekends, and am so happy to be connected to this community and make a difference for Oakland residents.”

— Sarah Louie ’03


“Following a joyful reconnection at our 45th reunion, the Class of 1975 came together during the Framing Our Future campaign for the South Campus to embark on a mini-campaign in honor of our former beloved teacher-mentors—including Georgiana Abel, Ann Bateman, Damon Bradley, Beverly Edmonds, Sue Eggling, June Kroll, David Leinbach, Jean Lemmon, Ferne McCuen, Virginia Steele, Louise (Bunny) Stevens, and Tom Welsh. We have grown to become who we are today because of their passion, generosity, dedication, loyalty, patience, and friendship. Our class South Campus fundraising project was a collaborative journey —exchanging memories, thoughts, creative concepts, conversations, reminiscences, and certainly some good laughter! It is rewarding to have helped launch a journey toward a promising new era for Head-Royce.”

— Head-Royce Class of ’75 Fundraising Committee: Betsy Armour, Cheryl Harrison, Brett Holliday, Laurie Anderson Smith, and Wally Smith


“I come from a family that not only values education but also being an active member of the community. Volunteering at Head-Royce brings me joy because I get to see first-hand how fortunate our children are. They are learning so much more than I did as a student, while also having fun and feeling loved and supported. By being present on campus, I want my children to understand that school is important and worth the time and effort. Teachers, administrators, and staff have so much on their plates, and I hope that when we volunteer, they can focus on what they do best. I feel lucky to have the time and opportunity to give back to such a wonderful community.”

— Sarah Boolani ’99


“Head-Royce has nurtured my intellectual pursuits through the mentorship and guidance of all my amazing teachers. In particular, the history department and debate program has inspired me to pursue a future in the complex and challenging political and legal world.”

— Samir E. ’24


“Barbara June Novogradac was a remarkable person, remembered for her profound wisdom, wit, and humor. She was a powerful force, providing comfort and guidance to family and friends. Sadly, Barbara’s courageous battle with pancreatic cancer came to an end in 2022. Her legacy lives on, however, in her passionate advocacy for students with learning differences and their families. In honor of Barbara's memory, the Novogradac family established a gift in 2023 to support students with learning differences at Head-Royce School. This generous contribution ensures increased funding for students with learning differences, perpetuating Barbara's commitment to making a difference in students’ lives.”

— Excerpted from the summer 2023 issue of the HRS Magazine




Your Impact by the Numbers


Support Icon


number of donors


Dollars Raised Icon


dollars raised


Volunteers Icon


number of volunteers


Stopwatch Icon


volunteered hours


Support Specialists Burgundy Icon


student support specialists'
hours per school year


Laptop Green Icon


middle schoolers received
chromebooks for school use



Financial Year in Review


Total Giving by Area
$ 4,728,019

Total Giving by Constituency
$ 4,728,019



Total Operating Revenue
$ 45,490,886

Total Operating Expenses
$ 43,721,232





2023 Parents' Association Fundraiser


Philanthropic Appreciation


We are incredibly grateful for each member of our community who enthusiastically supports Head-Royce School. Each unique contribution plays an important role in the combined impact on our legacy and success.


All Donors

From the bottom of our hearts, we give thanks to those community members who have placed a value on a Head-Royce education by prioritizing giving to the school for many years. The following lists reflect donations from people who have donated to the school over an extended time period.

50+ Years

20–49 Years

10–19 Years

5–9 Years

2–4 Years

First time donors



This year 460 people generously gave their time to support the Head-Royce community. We are grateful to have such dedicated and passionate partners—parents, guardians, past parents, trustees, and alumni—helping us serve our students. Special thanks to this list of volunteers who helped with school events, admissions tours, fundraising efforts, and so much more. We see you and we thank you for the impact you make on our school with every hour of your time!



Giving by Constituency

Our vibrant community is made up of current and past parents, students, employees, trustees, and grandfriends, with additional support from corporate donations, foundations, and matching gifts. We give thanks to everyone for their generous—and primarily unrestricted—support totaling over $4.7 million last year. Please click on the links below for giving list roll calls by constituent.

Current Parents


Professional Community

Current and Past Trustees

Grandparents, Past Parents, Past Professional Community, and Friends

Companies, Foundations, and Matching Gifts


Special Giving

Endowment and Special Campaigns

Donations to our endowment and special campaigns are especially meaningful because they ensure that we have strong financial footing, in perpetuity. Additionally, each year we receive restricted gifts for programs and special initiatives of Head-Royce, allowing for incredible innovation for the School.

Endowment and Special Campaign Gifts


Heads Up

As a school both in and of Oakland, Heads Up is a critical program that we have cultivated and grown since 1987. Last year, our community doubled the prior year’s support with over $184,000 in donations. Thank you to the many new and longtime contributors to this important program.

Heads Up Gifts


In Honor and Memoriam

We give thanks to these donors who recognize or commemorate members of the Head-Royce community—classmates, teachers, friends and loved ones— with special gifts to the school.

In Honor and Memoriam Gifts


Anna and Josiah Society

Thank you to the many community members who have included Head-Royce School as part of their estate plans.

Anna and Josiah Society Gifts


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